Sabtu, 10 Desember 2011



{Christmas} Cards

Posted: 09 Dec 2011 08:23 AM PST

Christmas/Holiday cards are funny. When we get them in the mail, most of the time they are pictures of our friends children. Since we do not have children(and wont for many years), my husband thinks we shouldn't do them; to me the card is just a nice gesture at the holidays. Well this year I was determined to get cards out and I was going to put my Zoey on them...since, let's face it, she's as close to a child as I'm going to get for a while. Alas, time has gotten away from me this December and as I was ordering them last night I realized they wouldn't get here until the 16th, which would mean then would have to go out on the 17th, and that's just not going to happen. But I just couldn't waste this picture.....she looks like an angel. I'm still a bit disappointed I didn't put her red collar on...oh well, she's a Celtics fan, she can't help it:)
*We took this the other night when we finally decorated our tree! It took many treats and it was the only shot out of 20 that was usable.*

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