Monday News Roundup
Here's all of the great articles and interesting tidbits you missed last week!
Escape Roundup: Hip Hostels (Apartment Therapy)
These days, it's getting harder and harder to tell the difference between a design-conscious hostel and budget-minded boutique hotel. Some places think of themselves as hostels, but call themselves hotels, while others call themselves hotels, but operate more like hostels. It’s all a matter of price and amenities...
Design:Made:Trade Round Up (Design Files)
Escape Roundup: Hip Hostels (Apartment Therapy)
These days, it's getting harder and harder to tell the difference between a design-conscious hostel and budget-minded boutique hotel. Some places think of themselves as hostels, but call themselves hotels, while others call themselves hotels, but operate more like hostels. It’s all a matter of price and amenities...
Design:Made:Trade Round Up (Design Files)
Filling an important niche as Melbourne’s ‘indie’ trade show, D:M:T is always a mixed bag, and this year was no exception.
Wieden + Kennedy Portland Office (Wanken)
before and after photos of
an abandoned-warehouse-turned-corporate-headquarters in Portland, OR.
The massive office building holds several hundred employees and multiple
Urban Vitality + Mixed Use Dev't (Sustainable Cities)
developments have been gaining ground as a successful planning design
strategy to increase transportation options, revitalize local economies
and enliven communities.
Solar Panels Have a Cooling Effect? (Inhabitat)
turns out that solar panels can do more than provide you with renewable
energy - they can significantly cut down the power needed to heat and
cool your building as well.
Colorful Kuwait Hotel (Dwell)
The interior design of a Kuwait hotel gets seriously daring with the use of color.
Vancouver to End Homelessness (Planetizen)
city of Vancouver is planning to offer more than $42 million in land
and capital grants aimed at developing affordable housing. Its part of a
10-year plan to end homelessness in the city.
The Colour of Cities (Yurbanism)
noticed that various cities each have a unique colour palette that
contributes to it’s underlying urban terroir. Here are the results for
some major cities.
Considering a Car-Free LA (Planetizen)
surviving Carmageddon, LA has caught a glimpse of the city with less
traffic and carbon footprint and it’s tempting to want to make it a
sustained reality. A car-free California may be too ambitious and
premature but it isn't stopping some groups from initiating a movement.
What billionaires do when we're not looking... (Inhabitat)