Selasa, 24 Januari 2012



Lazy/Snow Weekend

Posted: 23 Jan 2012 09:59 AM PST



How was your weekend? We spent most of the weekend inside.....ok we spent all but like 2 hours inside(don't judge). I was supposed to work on Saturday, but the 10'' of snow we received didn't let that happen. The snow didn't let up until around 4 p.m. Sunday was a lazy day, we ran errands in the morning and then of! My husband was excited enough for the both of us.
The pictures of me above were taken right after we got done shoveling...actually the first one was after I took Zoey for a walk around the the snow, before anything was plowed-while my husband was shoveling. She enjoyed it way more than I. The second is when I took it upon myself to do the back patio. I may be from Florida, but I can shovel snow like nobodies business. I learned quickly last year, when my husband had duty whenever there was a snow storm...awesome. 
Oh, and that dresser(actually it's the bottom of our old amour) is getting sanded and repainted by yours truly. 
Most pictures courtesy of my Instagram.
Hope you have a fabulous Monday.

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