Kamis, 26 Januari 2012



Being A {Mom}

Posted: 25 Jan 2012 06:28 AM PST

A mom to a dog that is...no human babies in this household.

This morning at 8 o'clock the husband and I dropped our dear Zoey off at the vet for surgery.

On New Year's we found a lump in her throat. Ooooooh, when we found that lump a million things started running through my head. I made an appointment-- they told us because her behavior and appetite hadn't changed it was most likely a cyst, but to know for sure they would have to remove it. So that is what she went in for....that and to have a teeth cleaning-gotta keep up with those pearly whites.

Now, if you can imagine I'm a nervous wreck. Being home without her running around is an odd feeling. Good thing I have to work today, or else I'd be calling the vet every hour for an update. They did say we could call at lunchtime for an update if we wanted. 
Fully intend on calling....

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